Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fed finally drops the word "patience"

They dropped the word 'patience' because they've been driven into a corner... by themselves. They may raise rates a little just to maintain some credibility. Will they do that, when the economy is almost in recession territory? Doesn't matter. Watch out for QE4 (or whatever colourful terms they wish to use to name it). That's the only tool they have, and they'll use it even though this tool has never worked in the long run. It is about time that the people who criticised Fed QE policies right from its inception gain some recognition. And no, not the Krugmans who criticised QEs for not being big enough, but the Austrians who criticised the QEs' implementation in the first place. Economic lift-off? Escape velocity? No such result after 6 years. Meanwhile the imbalances in the economy have grown to gigantic proportions.

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