Sunday, June 15, 2014

The big 3 are screwing the rest over

Some info and thoughts as I read James Rickards' Death of Money:

The USD, JPY and EURO make up 65% of allocated world reserve currencies (half this number if you include unallocated reserves). With the 3 central banks printing these currencies like crazy, they are screwing up the other nations, transferring wealth from creditors to themselves.

The rest of the world don't like it. The BRICS, SCO, and GCC want to set up alternative monetary systems. They have been accumulating gold furiously.

If the IMF's SDR becomes the new reserve currency, it will be an inflationary currency par excellence. The source of inflation will be so obscure. The smart ones will start to blame inflation on sovereign central banks, but these central banks will simply point their fingers to the IMF. Owned by no nation, untouchable.

The BRICS, SCO and GCC are not too keen on tagging along with the IMF system unless they get more say. This could result in a Bretton-Woods style monetary system, where gold is once again reestablished as an anchor.

In any case, the end of the USD standard is drawing near. The 20th century witnessed 3 changes in the world monetary system. Each time, gold is revalued upwards massively to account for devalued currencies. The new change in the world monetary system will be the first one for the 21st century. Lots of investors will lose money . Lots of investors will gain money too.

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