Thursday, September 27, 2012

Notable World "reserve" currencies:

Currencies that circulate outside its issuer's borders:

5th century BC: Athenian drachma (silver)
1st century BC - 4th century AD: Roman aureus and denarius (gold and silver)
4th - 12th century: Byzantium solidus (gold)
13th - 15th Century: Florence fiorino (gold)
17th - 18th Century: Netherlands gulden (gold)
18th - 19th Century: Spanish peso de a ocho (silver)
19th - 20th Century: British pounds (gold to fiat)
20th - 21st (highly likely) Century: US dollar (gold to fiat)
21st - ?? Century: Chinese RMB?? (fiat to gold/silver ???) --(or some form of a world currency, eg. IMF's SDR)

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